Resilience – a Key Quality of Successful Leaders

Executive Consultant Thomas Gelmi Develops Resilience in Leaders

Why is it that some people literally blossom during crisis situations, whereas others almost crack under pressure? People who manage to survive crises or failures possess a quality called resilience – a quality that is especially required in leaders. But what can an executive who is lacking this particular skill do?

„Resilience can be developed.“ states coach and executive consultant Thomas Gelmi who is internationally appreciated by leaders as a neutral sparring partner. „One of the keys is full acceptance of what lies in any given moment, without any resistance against existing facts and by simply rolling with the punches.“

What may sound like passive resignation at first is anything but that: accepting a situation – especially an inconvenient one – makes it possible to act from a calm and composed state of mind instead of reacting out of sheer resistance. Just like in Aikido, a Japanese martial art, in which no resistance is set against the opponent“s energy. Instead, the energy is deflected and used in one“s own favor.

„Acting in such a way can require some guts, as it might entail leaving one“s comfort zone“ says Gelmi and adds: „The good news, however, is that learning usually occurs best outside that comfort zone.“ If we repeatedly face up to challenging and demanding situations and manage to handle them successfully, they gradually become part of our extended comfort zone. Our personal „elasticity“ grows. Resistance against existing facts on the other hand, has an exhausting, trying and fatiguing effect on any human being.

Among other factors, resilience is fostered by a clear focus on one“s own values, goals and priorities, with a healthy portion of optimism and pragmatism, the highest possible independence in one“s decisions and the ability to say „No“. In addition to that, a well developed level of self-acceptance and distinct awareness for one“s own needs as well as appreciation and tolerance towards other people“s opinions and beliefs are also beneficial.

Last but not least, leaders cannot just develop their own resilience but also that of specific team members or even the whole team. The procedure is the same: a recurrent, controlled and smooth exit of the comfort zone. Moreover, even an entire company can become more resilient by its management team acting as role models and in a way that the organization overcomes times of crisis such as in recent years much better than more rigid and inelastic ones.

Thomas Gelmi does not only speak of theory but has developed considerable resilience himself going through turbulent periods in his life. Today, he is able to see challenges and possibilities even in situations that seem to be losses or failures at a first glance. This way, so called „problems“ gain a completely different quality for him. He is a valuable sparring partner on even footing with people in leading positions.

More information about Thomas Gelmi can be found at at

Exit problem-trance and get unstuck fast through a change of perspective: Executive Consultant Thomas Gelmi supports leaders and their teams in achieving their desired situation faster and more effectively through a solution-focused approach. Details:

Thomas Gelmi
Thomas Gelmi
Brühlstrasse 33
5313 Klingnau
056 535 7996

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